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So you want to know more about us?

Well I'm sorry but you can't; We're not available at the moment!

However Our Beloved Madame has something prepared,

Just in case anything like this ever happened...




Oh hello dear,


I suppose you're looking for answers?

You've certainly come to the right place!

What you seek is a story, a farce;

And my, how they run for their Beloved Madame...

So I give to you these marvellous words,

Through form of something quite absurd!

One that you know too well in this scene;

A madness in form of text on a screen...


Once captured in the sense of light,

From beings caught in sweet desire,

What you need is a martyr, a demon;

And my, how they run for their beloved freedom...

So I branded you a dreamer on fire,

To hear upon to my written lyre,

One that you know too well in this art;

A madness in form of an aching heart...


To breed the sign of unique creativity,

One must perform to their upmost ability!

What you see is a love so obscene;

And my, how it charms to your every need...

So I give to you this ordinary work,

Through form of music not yet heard!

One that you know too well in this scene;

A madness in form of a musical dream...





I suppose you want a sign of the times?

To ease your sorry little mind,

What you seek is an album, a mask;

And my, how they yearn for the same old task...

So I give to you this chaos of music,

Through form of what some would call delusion!

One that you know too well in this part;

A madness in heart but stale in the art...


A story in bold it grows so dear,

You've certainly heard it told through fear!

What you know is a story, a fighting;

And my, how the stakes seem ever so plighting...

So I give to you these aching sounds,

Through form of music as it pounds!

One that you know too well in design;

A madness in form of Victoria's cry...


And here it is, a recent hoorah!

Does it please your changing heart?

What you see is a truth, the real me;

And my, how you love the way it screams...

So I give to you this Marvellous work,

Through form of something quite absurd!

One that you know too well in this scene;

A madness in form of my music so sweet...


                     - Your Beloved Madame                                             

Follow Your Heart

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